Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR)

The PEIR serves as a detailed early assessment of the project. It includes findings from 18 months of studies and fieldwork.
The PEIR has also been informed by Scoping feedback and ongoing discussions with consultees.

Most potential impacts can be avoided or minimised through project design, mitigation measures, and best practice during
construction, operation and decommissioning. Some localised significant effects are anticipated, particularly related to
landscape and visual amenity, as is typical for developments of this nature. Efforts to reduce these effects are ongoing.

The PEIR findings will guide the final Environmental Statement (ES) based on the definitive layout and design.


PEIR Appendices and Figures



Document Library

View and download our early informal consultation documents. The library will be updated as the proposals develop and throughout the consultation process. The material presented at our early informal consultation events are available here to view and download.

Early Informal Consultation Materials (Oct-Dec 2023)

Early Informal Consultation Report (March 2024)

Click image to download

Project Programme Document 

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If you are struggling with our online content a member of our team will be happy to arrange for hard copies of the above material to be sent in the post. If you would like this document in large print, audio, braille, or another language please call us on 0115 718 2070 (or use the contact details on this page).